Strengthening Workplace Safety

The Role of Internal Committees in Investigating Sexual Harassment Reports in Noida Introduction  

Workplace sexual harassment is a pressing issue that affects individuals across industries and geographies. In India, the need to address this problem led to the establishment of internal committees tasked with investigating reports of sexual harassment. These committees play a vital role in creating safe and inclusive work environments, ensuring that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. This article explores the significance of internal committees in investigating sexual harassment reports at the workplace in India.

Legal Framework

The establishment of internal committees in India is mandated by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013. This progressive legislation sets the foundation for a comprehensive framework to address sexual harassment in various workplaces. It outlines the responsibilities and composition of internal committees, making it obligatory for all organizations employing ten or more individuals to constitute them.

Role and Responsibilities  

Internal committees are responsible for addressing complaints of sexual harassment promptly, impartially, and sensitively. Their primary role is to conduct fair investigations into reported incidents, ensuring due process and maintaining confidentiality. These committees are tasked with receiving complaints, initiating inquiries, collecting evidence, and recommending appropriate actions to be taken against the accused.

Composition and Diversity

To ensure fairness and effectiveness, internal committees must have a diverse composition. The law requires them to consist of at least one external member, preferably from an organization working in the field of women's rights or social welfare. Including external members helps to bring in an unbiased perspective and ensures a balanced approach in handling complaints.

Confidentiality and Support  

Maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the investigation process is crucial to protect the rights and privacy of all parties involved. Internal committees should create a safe and supportive environment where complainants can freely report incidents without fear of retaliation. They should also provide necessary assistance and support to complainants during the proceedings, including guidance on legal remedies available to them.